Alliance and Leicester Bank Account


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Always keen to look for a new account to review on these pages, we've taken a look at what Alliance & Leicester has to offer...


Current account

Alliance & Leicester's Premier Direct Current Account offers a decent interest rate for a current account - To get this impressive rate, you have to be over 21 and be able to pay in at least £500 per month. More details at

The signup process

To test their accounts process, we created an online savings account via

Signup process

  1. Select the 'Apply online', and enter your name and address
  2. You're then asked for the bank account & sortcode of your existing bank account
  3. That seemed to be it - we were told we'd be emailed when a decision had been made.
  4. Two minutes later, the email appeared. We have to wait 48 hours for details to be posted to us (for security reasons)
After a couple of days, we received a letter confirming that the account was open, the next day, details of our online banking details, and a couple of days after that, a PIN number for access to online banking..

Internet Banking

To be honest, we've found that, these days, most online banking services are pretty much the same - and Alliance & Leicester's online services don't seem to offer anything we haven't seen elsewhere - the site seems pretty fast, and all that you'd expect is there, with few surprises - money movement, online statements, standing orders and payment settings. The site does the job, and does it well.

Online accounts
Screenshot of online Banking

More details can be found at


At the time of writing, we're pretty impressed. Account creation was faster than with others we've tried in the past, and the online banking service does the job nicely - it's the high interest rates that set Alliance and Leicester apart from the others, and if you're looking to make the most of your money, and in particular, your savings, we'd recommend you switch over as soon as possible.

More details can be found at

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