Making a Complaint - Who to Complain To

This site contains contact details supplied by visitors to this site, and is designed to help people find out who to contact with a complaint.

Here's the list so far - please help us add to it...

Company Complain to
Adaptive Affinity

A number of visitors to our site have contacted us regarding unexpected transactions on their credit card statements under the name, or, asking for help on how to make a complaint. One of our team was affected by debits from "Vprewards" as a result of a purchase made via online stationery firm Vistaprint.

If you wish to contact Adaptive Affinity, the company believed to be responsible for the VistaPrint Rewards, High Street Max and Rewards Now schemes, we suggest you try the following methods:

A posting in our blog from a representative of Adaptive Affinity suggests that customers who wish to contact them should call +44 (0) 870 143 2343. We have found a freephone number, 0800 028 8251 and have also been given the number 0845 026 1100. You can also contact the company via their website

Should you wish to contact Head Office, we have been advised that complaints should be addressed to:

David Forest,
Managing Director
Adaptive Affinity Limited
Cavendish House
369 Burnt Oak Broadway
Middx HA8 5AW

The Head Office Switchboard number is : 0208-731 5620 , and the fax number is 0870 143 2344.

British Gas

Try 0845 600 5122 for account enquiries, or 0845 955 5200 for general enquiries.

If you can't resolve your query, go straight to Energywatch, the independent energy watchdog (Mavis S)


Start by complaining to 0800 800 150 and ask for complaint to be escalated to a Line Manager.

If you get no joy there, your options are to complain to BT's Customer Services Director (in writing), or go to the regulator Ofcom. (Our story)

c2c Rail c2c Rail contact details (c2c comments | c2c forum)

O2 o2 Contact details

Halifax Bank See our Leaving the Halifax to see how Halifax can make you pay for their mistakes

Equity / Regis (property) For details and contact information, see our Regisport / Equity page

OneStopPhoneShop Details and contact info on our OSPS complaints page (Steve L)

Royal Mail

Need to complain about mail delivery or a Royal Mail product or service?

We've created a page dealing with how to complain to Royal Mail

Samsung Electronics UK Customer Services Account Manager, PO Box 17243, Edinburgh Eh11 4YP.
Fax: 01952-297617 or 0131-458 6110
Head Office: Samsung House. 1000 Hillswood Drive, Chertsey, Surrey Kt16 OPS.
Head Office Tel: 01932 455000
(Thanks to Michael L Aug04)

TalkTalk (Internet) TalkTalk Internet Contact Details

Please mail us with email, telephone or postal addresses of who to complain to at troublesome companies, so we can update our list

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