Freedom Prepay Mastercard Review

Not a fan of credit cards? Can't get a card? A Prepaid card could be the answer. Like a pay-as-you-go mobile, you load cash onto the card, so there's no risk of running up a debt. Here's a review of the Freedom Prepaid Mastercard from White Eagle

Why a pre-paid card?

If you can't have a credit card, or don't want one, you may find that it's hard it make online purchases, or shop where you need plastic. A Visa or Switch debit card might be the answer, but having one of the many pre-paid cards that are on the market, could be a good idea.

Here are some reasons why this type of card works for you:

  • No credit agreement, so no chance of running up a debt
  • Only spend what's loaded onto the card - no risk
  • Use it like you'd use a credit or debit card - to pay for things in=stire, on the phone, or online
  • No complicated approvals process
  • Great for those with a poor credit rating or payment history
  • No need for a bank account

Freedom Card

The Freedom Card?

The Freedom Eagle Cash Card can be used where you see the Mastercard logo, and comes with a PIN for instore purchases and cash machines.

Unlike a credit card, you have to buy the card - At the time of writing, the card costs a one-off £5.99, or you can pay a little extra, and get the card printed with a photo or picture of your choice.

To get your Freedom Prepaid Mastercard, or to find out more, go to

Freedom Credit Card


Applying for the Freedom Card

Application is straightforward and shouldn't take more than a few minutes. The online form only asks for a few questions - nothing as complex as applying for a crtedit card online

We applied for our Freedom card on the 17th of July 2011, and got prompt confirmation by email that he application was being processed, and we'd get out card in 5 to 7 working days.


Payment for the card was taken promptly. If you order a pre-pay card from them, it may appear on your credit card as "White Eagle (Europ, Wooburn Green)"


Where's our card??

As of the 25th of August 2011, 28 days later, we've still yet to receive the card! We've chased Freedom Customer Services, and we'll let you know what happens...


The Freedom Card Account Page

As per the above, despite getting approval over a month ago, still no card.

When we try to log in, we see the following:

Freedom Mastercard Application
Site message: "Your application is currently being processed. Please login again when you have received your card"


The delay of nearly a month isn't encouraging...

When (and indeed if), we get the card we'd paid for... we'll update this page!


As Freedom don't seem in a rush to send us a card for review, we're looking at a competitor - The BREAD Card, a pre-pay Matercard.


Bread Prepay Mastercard


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