Information on 'Corporate Property Management' (CPM)

This page was added in July 2003 to provide contact details for the Hertfordshire-based residential property management company, Corporate Property Management. This followed news that the company had been acquired by Equity Asset Management ... a company with a track record of name changes, and an unrivalled reputation with their customers, as highlighted by the BBC Watchdog team in 2003 and 2004.

CPM & MSH were acquired in November 2005 by Erinaceous Group plc.

The story is a tough one to follow - Equity acquired CPM, then London-based Mount Street Holdings became responsible for CPM and Equity. Following a couple of reports on Watchdog, MSH sold Equity, but still retain CPM. Confused? Despite the various renames and acquisitions, the names of the managers and directors in general remain the same, with many of the names going back to the early days of Southend-based firms MAS and Regisport.

Our involvement with CPM? We provided a free forum for customers of Equity, CPM and some of the other subsidiary companies. The forum attracted a lot of interest from customers of Equity and CPM. By mid-2004, the forum contained over 800 postings from customers (admittedly, mostly complaints about the service they were experiencing). MSH/Equity's staff and management were also active in the forum. In until July 2004, Mount Street Holding decided that enough was enough, and their Chief Executive hired a firm of London solicitors to shut down the forum.

arrow Legal action by CPM's parent company has shut down our forum. ... Latest


Info on CPM:
CPM Asset Management Limited is wholly owned by Mount Street Holdings in London. Their main office is in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, but they have other UK offices: CPM (North) in Northwich, Cheshire, CPM (Docklands) in East London, and CPM (Scotland) in Glasgow. They also have two Corporate Property asset management offices (CPAM) in London and Berkshire.

Contact information:

Main telephone: 01992-470585

Corporate Property Management Ltd
Belcon House, Essex Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0DR
Tel: 01992-470585
Fax: 01992-470787

Corporate Property Management Limited
108 High Street, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 3DW (Shown as the Registered office at Companies House)

Corporate Property Management Ltd.
1-3 Evron Place, Hertford, SG14 1PA
Tel: 01992-586388

Associated pages:

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The companies

More on Equity Asset Management

More on Regisport
Help and advice
Equity Problems - Help dealing with CPM, Equity and MSH
Information on the various Names and aliases
Our attempt at explaining all... Equity Explained
Other links
Ken Frost thinks that Equity are...'Worse than Worthless'

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