Equity Asset Management and MSH

Information on property management firms: Equity plc, Equity Asset Management, M.A.S, Regis Group, Regisport & Pier Management

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In January 2005, the Essex-based property management firm Equity Asset Management was sold to Johnson Cooper, marking a new chapter in the long-running story of the firm's history. In November 2005, MSH was acquired by Erinaceous Group plc. More

Over the years, the company had undergone a number of name and ownership changes - including M.A.S, Hull and Co, Regis and Regisport. To say that Equity has something of a reputation in the Essex area would be an understatement - from the feedback we've received over the years, and the two reports on BBC's Watchdog programme (2003 and 2004), it seems customers are not at all happy with the way they've been treated. Could the bad publicity that Equity Asset Management has had, possibly explain the many name and ownership changes over the years?...

As the company is no longer trading under the name Equity, the information on this page is becoming less useful - it may be best for you to look for information on Equity's new owners, Johnson Cooper, or alternatively, Equity's former parent company Mount Street Holdings, depending on your interest.

Our forum: In July 2004, Equity's parent company, Mount Street Holdings hired solicitors to shut down our forum, forcing the removal of over 800 messages from customers and staff.

For news of an alternative forum, see our Equity, CPM & MSH forum page

The latest on Equity Asset Management...

Jun 2006 - Parent company forces another customer forum to close - We've heard that solicitors acting for Erinaceous Group plc and its subsidiary companies Dunlop Haywards, Harman Healy, Mount Street Holdings Street, Johnson Cooper, Equity Asset Management, CPM, Regis and Pier Management have forced another forum that was causing embarrassment to the companies, off the net. The follows the successful closure of our own forum a while back, and an attempt to silence on of our petitions. See our Equity Forum page for more.

Jan 2005 - Equity sold! - Equity Asset Management's parent company Mount Street Holdings plc has announced that it had sold Equity to Johnson Cooper Ltd. Following an article on BBC's Watchdog in November 2004, Mount Street Holdings made a public reference to the fact that they would "closely monitor the customer service situation at Equity" and may take "appropriate and decisive action" to ensure their standards are not "compromised by Equity Asset Management". See our Johnson Cooper page for more on this acquisition.

Nov 2004 - Equity on Watchdog again! - As a follow-up to last year's piece, BBC's consumer show Watchdog showed more examples of what they referred to as "a catalogue of negligence". Examples of poorly-managed properties in Essex and Nottingham were shown, there was talk of threatening letters , and quotes like "made my life hell".
CEO of parent company Mount Street Holdings Andrew Zahn also received a mention, as "US authorities would like to talk to him". At the end of the programme, Watchdog reported that Andy Zahn has now "resigned as a director from parent company MSH, and now acts as only as a consultant".

Equity Asset Management: "catalogue of negligence" , "threatening letters" , "bring promises not action"...
Watchdog Extract 2004 Andrew Zahn, MSH Watchdog Extract 2004 Watchdog Extract 2004
Off-air extracts from BBC Watchdog, November 2004

Sep 2004 - Equity moves - Equity's official address has changed from Maitland House, Warrior Square, Southend-on-Sea, to Phoenix House, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex

09 Aug 2004 - Petition threatened! Attempt made to shut down our petition. MSH's legal people threatened Pipex (host for petitionthem.com) with legal action over our petition - At the moment, it's still live, and they've not succeeded in getting it removed - if you've not signed it, please show your support

15 Jul 2004 - Forum shut down! Threatened legal action against our ISP by Andy Zahn, the CEO of Mount Street Holdings (Equity Asset Management is a subsidiary of MSH), has forced the closure of the Equity discussion forum.

13 Jul 2004 - We understand that the ISP that hosts the Equity forum has received a formal request from solicitors acting on behalf of Mount Street Holdings plc, to have the forum closed. As requested by our ISP, we have removed the message thread relating to Andy Zahn's past... we understand that this may be at the root of this action against their customers. We hope that this has resolved the matter. See the Forum status page for the latest.

6 Jul 2004 - The Equity forum is back online, and the dispute has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties. Thanks to our regular visitors for their support and patience

1 Jul 2004 - The Equity forum has been voluntarily suspended, following a threat of legal action by Peter Butler, former Equity Asset Management Managing Director. The complaints relate to two postings on the news of his resignation.

11 Jun 2004 - Equity featured in Basildon Echo re. alleged fraud in Chestnut Road Estate, Vange.

Dec 2003 - Equity Asset Management featured on BBC TV's Watchdog.

Oct 2003 - Changes at Equity - Peter Butler steps in as the new Managing Director, and yet another company springs up, Mount Street Holdings, headed by Andy Zahn.

Sept 2003 - Rumours of some big changes at the Equity & Regis offices in Southend posted on our Equity forum.

July 2003 - We've added an Equity forum to allow discussion of Equity, following the withdrawal of their own forum.

July 2003 - Equity Asset Management set to take over Hertfordshire-based Corporate Property Management Limited.

July 2003 - Equity has removed its public discussion forum. No reason given.

July 2003 - Equity no longer acknowledged as a member of ARMA (Association of Residential Managing Agents).


Contact Details:

Phoenix House
Christopher Martin Road
Essex SS14 3EZ
Tel: 0870 321 0870 or 0207 512 0900 or 020 7837 2551
Fax: 0870 321 0877 or 0207 512 2300 or 01702 291 945

Registered address: 70 Pentonville Road, London N1 9PR

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Ken Frost thinks that Equity are...'Worse than Worthless'
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