One of our team has just received a cold call from a firm called 3D Tel / 3D Telecom in Manchester, claiming to be calling regarding an o2 upgrade. We’re wondering if this is legit. Here’s the story:
The caller told me that I was due for an upgrade on my o2 contract. When I pointed out that I was on a SIM-only contract, and therefore not due a handset upgrade, he asked to confirm how much I was spending on the contract per month.
Alarm bells started at this point. I was receiving a cold call from a withheld number from someone claiming to be from o2. This person had no knowledge of what account type I had, what contract I was on, or how much I was spending a month.
After querying this, the gentleman told me that has acting on behalf of o2 from a call centre, and had no access to my account details. When I asked for the company name, I was told “3D Tel“, which he later corrected to “3D Telecom“. A Google reveals this to be a small shop in Oldham.

The caller denied working for a small shop in Oldham, but claimed he was unable to give me his company’s web address as it was his first day, and refused to give me the company’s phone number as they were “an outgoing call centre”.
As the caller could give me no information about the company he worked for, or about me or my contract, the call was ended rather quickly.
We’ve no idea if the call was legit or not, and we’d be interested to hear from anyone with any knowledge or experience of 3D Telecom, o2’s call centre in Manchester.
Follow-on call from 3D-Tel
Another call from 3D Tel in Manchester today. Again claiming to have got my number from o2 and being from “the upgrade team” and claiming to be the official licensors of o2. The caller refused to give me his name but confirmed that they are in some way connected to Carphone Warehouse and, but the caller was vague about this.
Comment from o2?
We had an online chat with o2 to see if this was legit, or a scam. Here’s what we were told:
Ravinder: Thanks for waiting. I see that it is a scam. We have not tried to call you at all. So, please never give out any personal details.
Ravinder: I will get this escalated to the relevant team as well.
Troubling. Anyone else had a call like this? Let us know…
Just had the same call and came across this after a quick Google. I am actually in a position to upgrade my phone but I became suspicious as I had already spoken to someone from 02.
In the defence of the lady @ 3D she did not say she was calling ‘from 02’ and when asked she told me 3D. Seems to be offering a good deal but when 02 call me back I will see what they have to say.
Thanks for this post, given their clear lies to you I will not be speaking with 3D any further – legit or not.
I received a couple of these calls in the last week – they said my phone was due for upgrade but clearly weren’t from O2. When I asked where they were calling from the guy said ‘a call centre in Manchester’ and gave the company name as 3D when pressed further. Not impressed if they did indeed get my number and the fact that it was upgrade time from O2.
I keep getting calls from them also, keep asking them to remove me from their database but they refuse.
I’ve reported them to O2, if they’ve been impersonating O2 then O2 would love to hear about it!
This is a legitimate company doing upgrades for O2 & Orange customers.
People receive there new phones and stay on with their current provider and they have a right of phone return and cancellation returning to their previous plan if they are not happy with it due to distance selling rules, try that from in store!!
3D have received the upgrade customers numbers from either O2 or Orange.
In a further follow up , 3D Telecom are now also processing contract renewals for T-Mobile so their business is expanding.
Also in reply to one of the comments made above it is not in O2’s interest to endorse other companies because they do not want to have to pay a third party to sell their contracts as that cuts into their profits and will obviously say its a scam to try and protet themselves.
I’ve had a call from these people, and although I usually have my wits about me was called on a bad day. I knew I needed an upgrade and was actually grateful for the call so I didn’t have to sort it out myself. I was told my new phone would be here in 2 days. It’s now been nearly 2 weeks and I’ve heard nothing.
I’ve checked with 02 and my contract has not been renewed. I’ve checked my bank account and nothing has been taken, so not sure what’s going on. What was the point if its a scam?!
I’m away on holiday next week and feeling pressurised to find out what’s going on before I go. Not sure what to do?!
Had a couple of calls from these guys. They’re very keen to avoid answering questions about exactly what company they are from (eventually saying ‘3D’ or ‘3D tel’) and whether they have any involvement with O2. They do insinuate a connection with O2 and try to sell you upgrades.
I have called O2 and reported this, they confirm that they have no connection to ‘3D’ and are investigating.
I just had a call from these jokers – except they pretended they were O2 Manchester initially!
I use to work for 3d telecom. were based at brossley house on union street, oldham. there is about 50 staff squezzed in to a office and all the details we have is a number and the office number is 0161 622 0007. (i think). It is a cold call scam as the company pays for the numbers and the only way is to make a sale. they have no details and are told to get as much info off the customer to sell them the most expensive contract. if they call you report it!!!!nn1nn1
I had a call about an hour ago wich I assumed was from O2 as they knew my name, mobile number and the fact I was due an upgrade.
After talking tothe gusy who aasured me he can save me about £10 per month on my contract (with a white iPhone 4 handset, I’ve currenty got an iPhone 4 black…) said he would transfer me to the verifications team to complete the order. Whilst on hold my head rewinds thinking I’m not sure this call was from O2… When The next chap picked up the call he confirmed he was from the Verifications team of 3D telecoms.. I hung up at this point (They’ve tried ringing back).
I’ve since been in livechat with an O2 operative about this who seems keen on dodging my questions about whether 02 have any association with 3D telecom:
Welcome to O2. Someone will be with you soon.
You’re through to ‘Govind’
Govind: Hi I’m Govind. How can I help?
Michelle E: Hi Govind,
Michelle E: I’ve just got a call on my mobile regarding upgrading my phone handset – I don’t think it was from 02 can you check?
Govind: I’ll quickly check this for you.
Michelle E: A chap gave me some information about reducing my monthly contract to £27 with a new iphone 4 (white) for 24 months then put me through to the verification team – the guy who introduced himself there I think said he was from 3D telecoms? I hung up at this point
Michelle E: Also the call came up as blocked on my phone…
Govind: Thanks waiting.
Michelle E: sure
Govind: As I can see that you are eligible for upgrade.
Govind: And we were not there on call so please ignore the call.
Govind: So do you wish to upgrade your contract now ?
Michelle E: Firstly I wondered how this company got my number and knew I was due up for an upgrade – are they an associated company? The first guy I spoke to certainly gave the impression he knew all about me. It wasn’t until I spoke to the second chap that he gave the company name – not someone I’ve done business with in the past…..
Michelle E: secondly what upgrade options are available?
Govind: To know the deals for upgrade I need to transfer your chat to our upgrade team.
Michelle E: Ok
Govind: So shall I transfer your chat ?
Michelle E: can you confirm the association with 3D telecom?
Govind: I’m checking on it.
Govind: Thanks for waiting.
Michelle E: sure
Govind: As I can see that the call was not from o2 for you so it might be from other provider.
Michelle E: I *know* the call is from another provider. I want to know if O2 have an association with 3D telecom in anyway, ie are they processing contract renewals on your behalf and how they got my contact details….
Govind: No they won’t but they have just made the call by mistake.
Govind: So no need to ignore that call.
Michelle E: please see
Govind: Okay.
Govind: Hold on…
Govind: Thanks for waiting. It was not done by us.
Michelle E: can you tell me how they made a call to me by mistake? knowing my contact was up for renewal?
Govind: I’m checking on it, So stay online…
Michelle E: sure
Michelle E: Im still here
Govind: Yup, I’m checking this with my manger.
Govind: Thanks for waiting.
Govind: As I’ve checked with my manager, your number was not given from our end.
Michelle E: can you confirm which subsiduaries, third parties and other contractors you are giving my details to please?
Govind: We have not given any details to any one from our end.
Govind: As I’ve checked all the details on your account.
Michelle E: Checking my account won’t help you confirm that.
Govind: Yes, we won’t give any details so no need to worry as we 100% sure for this. So now do you wish to know the best available deals on upgrade for you ?
Michelle E: Thanks for your 100% assurance.
Michelle E: I think I’ll be considering my other available options in terms of my mobile provision
Govind: Okay and even we offer best available deals for you on upgrade.
Govind: Do you want to check that ?
Michelle E: no
Govind: Okay.
Govind: As you wish.
Govind: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Michelle E: no. thank you.
Govind: It was nice chatting with you.
Govind: Have a Good Day to you and to your family 🙂
Govind: Take Care
Govind: bye bye 🙂
O2 has ended this chat session.
I’d be interested to hear from the previous poster regarding his employment at 3D and how they obtain their contact lists
I can 100% confirm that this company has nothing to do with The Carphone Warehouse or E2Save.
they pay a 3rd party company for the details at a cost of 30p a number. when i was working there it did not seem right but we were told ‘we are legit and a partner of E2save.
Just had a second call from 3DTelecom. asking me the same questions as they did about a month ago. During the first call I naively agreed to an upgrade and was told I would receive the phone within 7 days. Tried my best to question them as much as possible to see if it was a scam or not.
I didnt receive the phone and clearly today’s guy was completely unaware of the first phonecall that was made. He then started asking me my contract details again and rying to push a sale. I told them I had no intention of upgrading having researched them online and told him he was working from a shop in Oldham. He then gave up.
I have since spoken to O2 who confirm I am eligible for an upgrade but they have no association with 3D Telecoms.
This company is now selling O2 upgrades in the disguise of Elite Contact , its still 3D Telecom and still avoid like the plague , very untrustworthy & do business at your own risk, they still fish for information from a database & hope the information they input matches the O2 database.
Ofcom need to have a good look at this company sometime soon and get it closed down.
hi I was a team manager I had to instruct staff to lie and under sell to customers to get as much commission as possible yes they do claim to be from mobile providers and give them as cheap a mobile as possible to maximise commission but what staff don’t know is I am instructed to claim the majority of sales the staff have sold have dropped off so they don’t get there commission if they question this too much I am instructed to get rid of them this is the same with there overtime I am told to reduce the hours on the log sheet and if they question this say they are mistaken or I will sort it out later but never do. all staff are paid below the minimum wage but I again have been told to reduce the hours on the log sheets to cover this up to look like they get more. the whole company is ripping the staff of if any staff question there wages or commission I am told to get rid of them.
I had a very long and tiresome conversation with one of their salesmen a couple of weeks ago. Not for mobile contracts though but for our business lines and internet provision. It was a typical case of the high pressure ‘sign up now and you’ll have plenty of time to cancel at your leisure if you’re not completely satisfied’ nature. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s never to sign up there and then. You just can’t trust anyone who uses that kind of tactic. Oh, actually there’s another thing I’ve learned and that is – you can’t trust ANYONE in the telecoms business. I told the annoying little bloke that I would research them first. He directed me to their website. I told him that I wouldn’t be looking at that but at consumer forums instead. I haven’t heard from him since.
M****d The looser
Hi , His is name is M****d M*** [Name withheld following complaint from 3D Telecom 29 Dec 15] he lives in oldham and he always do these kind of business , His office is located @ 69 GEORGE STREET, OLDHAM , UNITED KINGDOM, OL1 1LX , if you give you personal details you will be in a trouble, he solds your personal and bank details to other scammers like him in online . Pleae be aware dont give any details, Get him and take to the police station.
I work for 3d telecom. it is a disgusting company to work for, overworked, underpaid and with an absolutely pathetic commission structure. yes, I said commission, the people selling you upgrades may sound pushy but that is only because the only way they/we get a remotely decent wage is the pittance of a commission we get, so forgive them for sounding pushy. but alas it is not a scam unfortunately otherwise I would have taken them to the cleaners already.
Just had a call from them today. Thought they were O2 as I was awaiting their call. As I’m due an upgrade I fell for their Carphone Warehouse associated business. Called the number they gave for head office and cancelled with a guy called Darren confirming it was cancelled. Hope I don’t get a delivery any time soon!
Just to confirm that I have just received a call from what appears to be the same outfit – elite contact. They called from 0161 814 9301.
Claimed to be able to save me money on my o2 mobile contract given that I had been with o2 for a long time. Then asked a lot of details about my current arrangement.
I asked him if he was calling from o2 how come he doesn’t know all the aspects of my current contract. He quickly said he wasn’t from o2 but then entered into his sales pitch ASAP.
When I explained that I had bought my handset outright and was on a SIM only tariff he immediately said goodbye and put the phone down.
Sounds really dodgy indeed.
People will be pleased to know that 3D Telecom have been trading as Apex Telecom for the past year selling EE / Orange business upgrades but as of today EE pulled the plug on this and Apex / 3D can No LONGER carry out these upgrades due to the misselling etc of their agents / management.
Stay away total con artists went for a job interview place is run by cowboys. Total joke. They changed they name to apex telecom now address is union street Oldham. I warn you stay away. Business wise and emoyment wise.
Yes it could be o2 as I myself have worked in whats called a franchise before, and a franchise doesn’t mean fake it just means they’ve bought the 02 name, I bet you didn’t know that nearly almost all the McDonald’s in the UK are franchises, there isn’t any difference.nn1nn1nn1nn1nn1nn1nn1nn1
went today for an interview, not very proffesional i must say! the interviewer was asking me questions irrelevant to the application post, i did mention to him that i have read all the reviews! and i sincerely hope apex/3d telecom do not mis-use my details!, thank you to 3d/apex telecom for an oppurtunity, i will be sharing this on other websites , because i know that 3d/apex telecom is looking for employees, thank you